Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Enrollment Marketing’s Four P’s of Successful Graduate and Adult Programs

What programs should one focus their enrollment marketing efforts on? The answer lies in the four P’s.

Organizing Your Team for Inbound Marketing Success

Here is how you might want to organize your team to achieve success with your inbound marketing campaign: 1. Strategist: A domain expert who carries the torch of the client perspective. 2. SEO Marketer: Ensuring that all fresh content is informed by a Keyword Guide as part of larger keyword strategy. 3. Editor in Chief: […]

Strategic Value of Website Redesign

In a perpetual state of evolution, healthy organizations, like healthy people, completely reinvent themselves every seven years. In the digital era, the burden of telling the world about our current essence falls increasingly on our web presence. To treat website redesign projects as just another ordinary project is pure folly. A website redesign project is […]

Is PPC a part of your Higher Education Digital Strategy?

If it’s not already, it should be! When strategically managed, PPC can be a lead-generating machine for qualified prospects. Here’s why: Target by location: Target a specific state, city, or radius around your campus in which to run your ads. If you know most of your prospects come from five states, then you run ads […]

The Promise of Inbound Marketing in Higher Education

Over the past few months, I’ve heard from a growing number of prospective clients interested in inbound marketing in higher education. They may not call it inbound marketing — maybe they’re asking for help with blog posts or website content — but inbound marketing is what it comes down to. And to me, inbound marketing […]

Trust Matters

Like my wife and I and a lot of other people, our friends Lindsay and Ryan have a dog. Their dog is an ancient Japanese Chin named Mikoto. Mikoto weighs maybe five pounds, yet lumbers when he moves, is completely deaf, and lives a monk-silent life. Because Mikoto is for so many reasons portable, he […]

Five W’s of Measuring Digital Marketing Campaigns

Although marketing creativity is a right-brain activity, in today’s digital realm marketers are also responsible for the left-brain activity of measuring, analyzing and reporting on the effectiveness of their marketing programs. One of the most common web traffic measurement techniques involves…

Creating Mid-21st Century Higher Education Branding

One of the tensions we hold at Elliance has to do with the pros and cons of specialization. While most of our work focuses on higher education marketing — where we have deep experience — we also meet a wider set of client challenges in manufacturing, banking, non profits and other worlds far from campus. […]

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

Traditional outbound marketing relies heavily on interrupting prospective customers with advertising, direct mail, etc. Inbound marketing takes a much different approach: earning attention and trust by providing valuable content and embracing personal interaction. Inbound marketers help clients “get found” via search engines, word-of-mouth and the sharing of content. These tactics also tend to engage prospects […]

The Timelessness of Good SEO

If done right, SEO will literally outlive your website. On the internet, we don’t often think of our media as having any intrinsic permanent value. News headlines are expired within minutes; tweets are gone in a flash. Blogs squabble and compete for our momentary attention before disappearing again into obscurity. Even websites rarely stand the […]