While user-facing aspects often dominate discussions about AI’s effects on website development, we discuss the impact of these exciting advancements on being integrated into backend functionalities.
While user-facing aspects often dominate discussions about AI’s effects on website development, we discuss the impact of these exciting advancements on being integrated into backend functionalities.
In a recent post titled “ADA Accessibility Compliance for College and University Websites,” the question of how to ensure WCAG 2.0 compliance was covered briefly. In this post, I will expand on a couple of the challenges of making an existing website compliant. A trip to the theme park Bringing an existing website into compliance […]
Anyone who has ever suffered through a migraine knows the symptoms: headache, distorted vision, irritability, dizziness, nausea, etc. Anyone who has ever gone through a website content migration has probably experienced some of these same symptoms. Whether we all like it or not, in the world of digital media content migration is a necessary evil. […]
There are over a million results on Google for “communication breakdown in an organization”. Bob explains how to prevent this from happening in your workplace.
Mark Twain is rumored to have said: “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”1 We believe the same holds for the U.S. manufacturing sector. Pundits would have us believe that manufacturing is dead in America, but we beg to differ. Working in a former “Rust Belt” city like Pittsburgh gives us a unique perspective […]
If you have ever seen the tango being performed, you have witnessed the ebb and flow of tension and release, and the perfect balance of power and acquiescence. (By Anouchka Unel (Own work) [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons) As with all so-called “lead and follow” dances, the lead must be willing to push and steer; the […]
Bob describes a technical hurdle with social media integration while moving blogs from one server to another. Here’s how he solved the problem.
There is an old saying here in Pittsburgh: you can’t get there from here, which refers to the difficulty in getting around due to all of the rivers and streams in the area. I don’t think it’s said to be discouraging, as much as it is said out of laziness — directions tend to be a […]